WOW Factor and an A for Effort

I'm pretty sure every girl wants THE WOW factor but what is THE WOW factor? I was catching up with my friend today and boy have I missed her, she's a little ball of fire and I absolutely love her to bits. We were talking about guys, I mean we're girls what else are we supposed to talk about when we're catching up? Back to guys and the WOW factor, I don't really know how to explain it. It's not something you can explain, it's something you feel. We're not hopeless romantics at all, if you see us you'd agree, we just want the WOW factor. I'll try to explain It as best as I can. The WOW factor is that undeniable chemistry that has you wanting to run for the hills but has you paralysed and wanting more at the same time. Believe me we're not into the whole fairy tale type of love or relationships. There is a happily ever after for everyone but we try to keep it realistic. This isn't only about me and her though, it's about all girls, I'm a girl too so I know what I'm talking about. You want that guy that's gonna WOW you and still make an effort even after he has you. The problem is you might have wowed me but after a while, all the effort stops then we have a problem because we girls have this thing called pride. Now if you do not text me or call me best believe I won't be doing the same too. We have one of those days when we cave in but if it's not one of those days trust me you are going to have to pick up that phone and dial my number, might as well put it on speed dial just to save yourself the hassle. Seriously though if you are trying to WOW that special girl it should be a problem right? I don't think it's asking for a lot or being demanding, It's just us girls being girls and having standards. Just make an effort and pick up the phone first it'll pay off eventually but don't waste your time annoying me if that WOW factor is not there.


  1. alright this is true, no lie. On behalf of guys actually speaking for myself i jus think generalizing is not rite; because not everyone does that and if they do its not coz of nothing. Something would have happened after the guy got u. And y'ALL probably saying "like wat?!?" or "thats a lie" or w/e. So the bottom line is girls stop doing wat they were doing too, like putting on make-up...or something u know. iF its about pride, everyone got pride so wat i would do/say is this; just understand y the other person is doing wat they are doing coz when something happens there is always a cause....rite cause and effect..

    1. Lol so you saying you always want to see your girl in make up and whatnot at all times? What about seeing her natural beauty? We can't be dressed up all the time. You can't stop bringing that wow factor just because we chose to dressed down, its not like y'all don't do it too. We all have those days we wake up not feeling like a million bucks and don't have the energy to put in work. are you in the relationship with our clothes and make up? or are you in it cause you like us, our personalities, and what we bring to the table? You gotta know sooner or later in the relationship the make up gotta go some days and the clothes gonna change. It ain rocket science.


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