Bad boys ain't no good.

No truer words have ever been said. I mean there's just something about a bad boy that gets us going. Women are so messed up in the head, well I guess not all women because there's some that go for the good guys, the soft ones, the loyal ones, the ones you know will always be there. Sounds like a dog if you ask me, no offence though. Back to my point sometimes we really know how wrong they are for us, bad is written all over them but it's just too late to leave because we'll already be in too deep. I think we should sue our parents and those kindergarten teachers that used to tell us that when a boy is teasing you or treating you bad it means they like you because fifteen or twenty years later we still have that mentality and it's so wrong but yet it feels so good. A relationship with a bad boy is addictive, it's got an edge to it you know? Those roller coaster rides are too good, when it's high we'll try to hold on to that high for as long as we can but when it hits the lows all we do is call up our girls and bitch about it but then we keep going back. There's the thrill of the chase, this idea we have that we'll "change" him and that idea of never knowing for sure if he really loves us or not. A jerk/ bad boy can keep a woman's attention for a long time because they're unpredictable, you just never know what to expect, keeps the relationship fun I think.


A friend of mine said, "Confidence is one of the sexist qualities a man can ever have" and it's true. If you come up to me oozing confidence no matter how bad you are honey I will get hooked. I guess all women love a man that can hold his own and bad boys are good at that. They have game so personality really counts too. The guy will come up to you and feed you some line that will have you thinking can I have your babies? It's really true. They will get into your head, play with your mind and have you doubting yourself but at the same time they push you to be better. For a guy this probably sounds insane but I think they go through the same thing except for guys they want a good girl that can turn bad just for them. Predictable is boring, I personally want someone who will keep me on my toes. After it's all said and done though, I guess it's just a phase we all go through when we're young and trying to be rebellious. In a way I just contradicted myself but it doesn't make it any less true, so all the good guys out there you're not going to finish last you just have to wait for women to follow reason rather than instinct 
Follow the link below, my girl has more to say about this topic. Also she's the one that inspired the post so definitely go watch and don't forget to subscribe.


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