Keep it classy!

Since some next genius invented booty shaking seems like every youngin' out there wants to be seen dropping it like it's hot! What I'm talking about isn't just referring to young black girls, it goes for every girl out there but since I'm a young impressionable black woman too might as well speak to my people since we're the ones that think we can twerk, booty shake, drop it low better than any other girls out there. Where I'm from taking the kind of videos that will embarrass your parents in public is frowned upon. As an African girl I don't think that just because you're in a different country you have to throw away your traditions and go crazy. You see 16 year olds having sex, it's a sad world I tell you. I'm worried about our generation. We should be making our parents proud instead of embarrassing our ancestors. I'm not judging anyone here because believe me I can get down in the club but I have my limits and I know them. See girls having kids at 16, it's not going to make him stay because I know guys that have multiple baby mamas. At the end of the day he can go out there and holla at some next girl whilst you're stuck with his kid/kids at home. Posting twerking videos or ass shaking videos on youtube or your facebook is not gonna make you attractive, guys are gonna think you're loose, you will not get their respect at all. My opinion. It all comes down to knowing who you are and your self-respect. Close your legs, go to school, respect yourself. My mother always tells me that education is the one thing no one can ever take from me and I agree with her. Make those twerking videos when you have your degree, although I'm pretty sure when your educated you won't have time to show youtube or your facebook friends how well you can shake your ass. To all my Spartans out there let's keep it classy.


  1. Respecting ones' body allows other people to respect you.Well written...For sure our generation has just lost it somewhere somewhere.


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