Black truth, love, and unity

Random rant, well not really random because this is actually an issue that is making me angry. This thing called media is pretty messed up and the way us as black people seem to be fighting to make our race look bad is maddening. I was just cleaning my room and of course I just had to start thinking. The way black sisters are taking off their clothes now just to sell records. I've never seen Adele taking off her clothes but she's won awards for her work. These musicians have become so desperate that they are losing focus of who they are. Kids look up to people like Beyonce, Rihanna, Ciara e.t.c now don't get me wrong their music is good but the image they portray is just not appropriate especially when they know their music captures the younger audience. I'm not going to make this about race but this just happens, the population of white girls idolize singers like Adele and Taylor Swift and they're clothes are always on. If I was a mother those are the kind of people I would as my kids role models not someone who has to take off their clothes to sell records. Then there's the Maury show, I don't understand why black people have to act so stupid like seriously these people are taking us waaaay back. I really don't like the Maury show because its always black people always finding who the baby daddy is and stuff, I know there are other races on there but most of the time its always black people, black people, black people. I know these people get paid to act so ridiculous but it's so ridiculous how people go on TV and act a fool just for money. It makes it seem like there are no good baby dads out there and black girls are just loose. Now I'm gonna move on to my bruthas. drugs, jail, pants so low it looks like your ass is on the ground. I'm sorry but the 90's called they want....well everything back. You don't see a lot of bruthas in college, always dreaming about making it in the nba. seriously? stay in school. Get yourself a degree then try to pursue that nba dream. Go to the "hood" black bruthas and sisters are killing each other but I think we should really be standing together, rebuilding the broken bridges, the system has tried to break us and is still trying but I think nothing is a bigger threat than a unified us.


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