These females ain't loyal?

It has come to my attention that I'm not very objective in  my writing, lets get one thing straight, I do not hate men. I'm going to be unbiased today. Ladies, if the blame game was an app it would have more downloads than candy crush. The world doesn't owe you anything. The idea that people have to love you just because Bambi's father loved him is imaginary. You can't compare your love life to other peoples as if your lives are the same. Your only job is to love yourself. Men get annoyed with the constant nagging, blaming them for every wrong Tom, Dick and Harry ever did to you. Just because your ex hurt you doesn't mean the next guy that comes your way will do the same thing. I mean guys go through heartbreaks too, the only difference is we're too damn dramatic about it as if the world should never do us wrong. Recently I heard that as girls we're too picky, we want superman but we're not willing to give Clark Kent the time of  day. Now there's nothing wrong with having standards but why do you want a six pack, a guy that's six ft tall with a six figure paycheck? Who are you looking for the devil? When did we become so vain and materialistic? Someone said to me "girls have trust issues because one minute a guy will say he loves you then the next he's barely hitting you up". Bissh Whet? You want to talk to him why not call him? why not hit him up first? who ever said guys are the only ones that have to initiate  the conversation. Nine out of ten times that same girl talking about having trust issues is the same girl that's getting fifty snapchats and texts from guys. Hypocrite. You know what you're capable of so you're scared you'll get treated the same way.

Funny story, I have this one friend and she was dating this guy. Whilst she was dating this guy she was still seeing her ex and talking to other guys too. She could swear to you that she was the most loyal girlfriend ever and you'd be inclined to believe her because she was that good. Now when this guy did the same thing to her she was the first person to preach about how wrong he did her but bissh were you ever loyal? After they broke up it was a never ending sob story about how he broke her heart, how all guys are the same. No they're not! Even if let's say you're that loyal chick that he cheated on, embrace that reality and take inventory of all the ways your life sucks...then when you're done complaining, do something about it. That heartbreaking story of yours we've all heard it somewhere before and it's starting to sound like a broken record. Life sucks but put them big girl panties on and grow up. You can't go chasing love and validation or drop out emotionally because things haven't gone your way. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Focus on what life is teaching you, not what it's taking away from you. Dare to be in a state of constant improvement not endless blaming. Spartans don't play the blame game. Spartan Queens aren't given crowns, they're proven worthy of them, so prove your worth!


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