Indecision Is a Decision

Dont let mixed signals confuse you. Indecision is a decision!
Sometimes you want something so bad you're willing to overlook all the bad. There's a difference between what you want and what you deserve. I have a friend (of course it's always about a friend) anyway this friend of mine, she was madly in love with her "friend". It would've made a cute love story if they'd actually ended up dating. These days "talking" seems to be a form of dating, I feel sorry for our generation. So this friend of mine Ashley was talking to this guy for years. The whole time they were talking it was never a walk in the park and Ashley always made excuses for this guy being an ass. Every relationship she ever had she always compared the guys to Eric. In a way Eric did love her but he just never loved her enough. Ashley on the other hand might have loved him a little bit too much. They used to fight all the time, I can't even call it a roller coaster ride, their some-what relationship was very toxic for her especially. I won't get into the details of what he did to her, she cried more times than she'll ever admit all because of this one guy. This isn't a post about me blaming Eric for my friends heartbreak. Somewhere along the way she lost her dignity.

The point of my little crazy anecdote is that we all love the idea of being in love but never allow anyone to make you an option. Hard as it may be sometimes you just have to give yourself a good dose of reality and know when you have to simply walk away. You're a queen and queens deserve more than a "situationship". Refuse to be someones doormat, if you're not going to be his top draft pick then walk away. Remember not everyone you lose is a loss. Don't be one of those mediocre girls that wait to be chosen. Don't wait for him to change his mind, don't wait for him to decide if he wants you or not. This is the twenty first century, you're a spartan and as a spartan never let no man come before you. I don't care if all you meet are men who don't want anything serious, you keep searching until you find the one that does think of you as good enough to stop entertaining other females. Spartans set their bar high and don't give a care how many men fail to reach it.
Know your worth and never settle for a half-ass relationship.


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