Feminism; un-African?
Feminism isn't a label, it's a definition. I hate to break it to you but if you believe in equal rights for both men and women you're a feminist, whether you like it or not!
As women we are so scared to speak up because it shows "we're angry", it's not lady like. We want to be liked so much that we willingly let people (men/society) oppress us.
We are still oppressed and being a feminist, having a voice, having an opinion does not mean I am less of a woman. It might be un-African of me but times have changed, we have evolved. Society can no longer tell me how to act (be lady-like so you can get a husband), how to dress (dress modestly so you won't get raped) and how to talk (don't have an opinion, the man is always right, respect your husband). Society dictates what I have to do with my body, as if men have a right to do as they please with MY body. Women deserve to know their bodies without being told what's right by society, religion or even their partner. Let's face it anti-feminists are just mad because feminism doesn't cater to a patriarchal society dominated by extreme masculinity.
Feminism isn't about making women stronger, we're already strong. It's about society acknowledging that strength and treating us as equals. Feminism is saying NO you do not have the right to put your hands on me because you're my husband. NO you cannot cheat on me and expect me to stay because society will laugh at me if I do not have a man anymore. NO you cannot continue to ignore my opinion and act like I do not have a voice. NO men are not superior to me, we are equals. NO I will not conform to society's rules. NO I will not dress a certain way because I don't want to be slut-shamed or raped. I am not inherently guilty for a crime committed against me. NO you will not marry me off when I am still a child. NO you cannot have more than one wife I am enough, I shouldn't even have to say that or prove myself. NO I will not spend years and years going to school so I can become a housewife. My dreams matter. BLACK feminism is saying if my black isn't good enough for you then my black don't want you. It does not make me un-African to be myself, it does not mean I have forsaken my tradition, my heritage. It simply means I have learned to listen to my voice, to speak up and to love myself from bone to marrow!
As women we are so scared to speak up because it shows "we're angry", it's not lady like. We want to be liked so much that we willingly let people (men/society) oppress us.
We are still oppressed and being a feminist, having a voice, having an opinion does not mean I am less of a woman. It might be un-African of me but times have changed, we have evolved. Society can no longer tell me how to act (be lady-like so you can get a husband), how to dress (dress modestly so you won't get raped) and how to talk (don't have an opinion, the man is always right, respect your husband). Society dictates what I have to do with my body, as if men have a right to do as they please with MY body. Women deserve to know their bodies without being told what's right by society, religion or even their partner. Let's face it anti-feminists are just mad because feminism doesn't cater to a patriarchal society dominated by extreme masculinity.
Feminism isn't about making women stronger, we're already strong. It's about society acknowledging that strength and treating us as equals. Feminism is saying NO you do not have the right to put your hands on me because you're my husband. NO you cannot cheat on me and expect me to stay because society will laugh at me if I do not have a man anymore. NO you cannot continue to ignore my opinion and act like I do not have a voice. NO men are not superior to me, we are equals. NO I will not conform to society's rules. NO I will not dress a certain way because I don't want to be slut-shamed or raped. I am not inherently guilty for a crime committed against me. NO you will not marry me off when I am still a child. NO you cannot have more than one wife I am enough, I shouldn't even have to say that or prove myself. NO I will not spend years and years going to school so I can become a housewife. My dreams matter. BLACK feminism is saying if my black isn't good enough for you then my black don't want you. It does not make me un-African to be myself, it does not mean I have forsaken my tradition, my heritage. It simply means I have learned to listen to my voice, to speak up and to love myself from bone to marrow!
Great Article!! Couldn't have said it better! Thanks for sharing and having the courage to write it :)