Think like a QUEEN, act like a SPARTAN
The year 2016 I prophecies that no fuckboy tactics used against you shall prosper. Amen!!
Ladies are you happy being practice? Are you going to perfect the art of keeping men warm and preparing them for other women or are you going to Spartan up? Are all them "Netflix & Chill" days over? It's time to stop crying over situationships that you intentionally put yourself in. Because let's face it, a man will not have Netflix and Chill with you unless you approve of it, a man will not put you in any situationship unless you agree to it, a man will not come in and out of your life as he pleases unless you allow it. The year of the blame game is over, it's time we grew a pair of steel balls and took back control of our spartanhood! Sticking around for a guy to finally want to date you or love you will not do you any good. Men can smell desperation and no one like a desperate Debbie. YOU ARE WOMAN DAMMIT!
I'm not going to enforce my feminist ideals on you or start going on a rant about how we run the world but we are powerful. A real Spartan knows how to use her assets to her advantage and I'm not just talking about the physical ones. Don't wait for a man to validate your worth, You don't need a man to be happy. No one ever died from being single, take that time to get to know yourself, take yourself out on a date, treat yourself to that MK bag you've been eyeing. People will only love you as much as they can USE you, learn to love yourself first. That's the problem with most females these days, you want to be loved so much you're willing to settle for any penis that comes your way. A man having love for you and being in love with you are as different as day. You can't say you love yourself then ask "how high" every time he says jump. Sticking around after a guy tells you he doesn't want a relationship or he's not ready for a relationship makes you a place holder. Hoping he'll eventually change his mind and wife you up makes you a fool. This one time I heard a girl say "it's okay I love him enough for the both of us", that right there is what we call basic female syndrome.
A man will promise you the world knowing full well he's looking for another woman, the one he's going to marry. You guys will have petty fights and endless "talks", he'll make a hallow attempt to be consistent for a week or two just to put you back in line. He'll lie to you and say he's sorry, he'll cheat on you then cry to get you back. Have his friends blowing up your phone just for their boy, all the while knowing he's getting his placeholder back just to lose it. You being that "it". A man will love you for years and never be in love with you. You can't call yourself a spartan then go running back every time he gives you that little bit of attention. Womankind is powerful, men will lie for the cookie, spend for the cookie go through hoops for that cookie. A mans whole world revolves around attaining you so why do you allow yourself to be treated badly by these peasants? True Spartans don't tolerate that kind of behavior, they curve it. Spartans don't give in to make him happy, fuck his happy. Let him go settle for that other girl he has on the side. Don't become that girl! The one that he can sleep with but not good enough to give his last name too. You become a placeholder when you forget that you should be the center of his universe. Spartans don't struggle with situationships or false-start relationships because when they choose to start one they make sure he's gone through every curve you've thrown at him. They make sure he's worthy of a queen. Be the kind of woman that sets her value from the get go and sets her bar high. Only then will you be wifey and not just a placeholder.
Ladies are you happy being practice? Are you going to perfect the art of keeping men warm and preparing them for other women or are you going to Spartan up? Are all them "Netflix & Chill" days over? It's time to stop crying over situationships that you intentionally put yourself in. Because let's face it, a man will not have Netflix and Chill with you unless you approve of it, a man will not put you in any situationship unless you agree to it, a man will not come in and out of your life as he pleases unless you allow it. The year of the blame game is over, it's time we grew a pair of steel balls and took back control of our spartanhood! Sticking around for a guy to finally want to date you or love you will not do you any good. Men can smell desperation and no one like a desperate Debbie. YOU ARE WOMAN DAMMIT!
I'm not going to enforce my feminist ideals on you or start going on a rant about how we run the world but we are powerful. A real Spartan knows how to use her assets to her advantage and I'm not just talking about the physical ones. Don't wait for a man to validate your worth, You don't need a man to be happy. No one ever died from being single, take that time to get to know yourself, take yourself out on a date, treat yourself to that MK bag you've been eyeing. People will only love you as much as they can USE you, learn to love yourself first. That's the problem with most females these days, you want to be loved so much you're willing to settle for any penis that comes your way. A man having love for you and being in love with you are as different as day. You can't say you love yourself then ask "how high" every time he says jump. Sticking around after a guy tells you he doesn't want a relationship or he's not ready for a relationship makes you a place holder. Hoping he'll eventually change his mind and wife you up makes you a fool. This one time I heard a girl say "it's okay I love him enough for the both of us", that right there is what we call basic female syndrome.
A man will promise you the world knowing full well he's looking for another woman, the one he's going to marry. You guys will have petty fights and endless "talks", he'll make a hallow attempt to be consistent for a week or two just to put you back in line. He'll lie to you and say he's sorry, he'll cheat on you then cry to get you back. Have his friends blowing up your phone just for their boy, all the while knowing he's getting his placeholder back just to lose it. You being that "it". A man will love you for years and never be in love with you. You can't call yourself a spartan then go running back every time he gives you that little bit of attention. Womankind is powerful, men will lie for the cookie, spend for the cookie go through hoops for that cookie. A mans whole world revolves around attaining you so why do you allow yourself to be treated badly by these peasants? True Spartans don't tolerate that kind of behavior, they curve it. Spartans don't give in to make him happy, fuck his happy. Let him go settle for that other girl he has on the side. Don't become that girl! The one that he can sleep with but not good enough to give his last name too. You become a placeholder when you forget that you should be the center of his universe. Spartans don't struggle with situationships or false-start relationships because when they choose to start one they make sure he's gone through every curve you've thrown at him. They make sure he's worthy of a queen. Be the kind of woman that sets her value from the get go and sets her bar high. Only then will you be wifey and not just a placeholder.
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