"May your fro grow and your skin always glow"

If you have had the pleasure (yes the pleasure) of knowing me in real life then you know I stan for my black women because we are literally magic. I've been seeing posts like the ones below a lot lately from black men making fun of black women.

Then you wonder; Why are black women so angry?
When we constantly hear things like "I like my women light skinned, what am I going to do with a dark skinned chick?", "It's not that black girls are ugly, I just can't talk to a girl darker than me", " I don't care if my mom is black, black girls are just ugly", "I think that black girls are ugly, except for the gorgeous light skins" and that's that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Now are you really going to sit there and ask me why WE are angry? I'm sure you've noticed WE have a voice now. Does that shock you that we've finally decided to stand up for ourselves?

I don't hate black men and I really appreciate the ones that don't fall into this category. You want us to be natural, rock our nappy hair but you forget to mention being natural is only beautiful to you if we're mixed or light skinned?  Be honest when you tell us to be natural you want that Hilary Banks fro with skin so light you're not sure if were mixed or white, right? And where are all you pro-black men that love and adore black women when we are being attacked for being the natural black women you so desperately want us to be? You guys spend countless posts and days preaching about how you want us to be natural and you want us to love ourselves and yet sit idly while other black men and pretty much every other race rips us to shreds. Cowards! I'm sick of seeing black women downplay their natural beauty, bleach their skin and do everything they can to be good enough for you and yet still be discarded. When we do bleach our skin or get weaves we're too fake, the jokes just never end. We literally cannot win. THANK YOU for proving that a black woman's beauty is in the way you view us.

Don't come talking to me about how I hate black men or start being defensive because this is still happening. Black women can do something as simple as going out and be labelled a hoe, have sex with one person and be labelled a hoe *cue in the memes*. The labels are never ending. Something is seriously wrong with the black community as a whole, this is not a race issue, we have some deep rooted issues within our own community.  How are we supposed to stand together if we can't even fight together.

You annihilate a black woman's self esteem, self love and when she finally succumbs to the hatred she receives you ridicule her. A lot of you have no empathy, no compassion and zero love for black women. You love to police our comments section when we say we don't feel protected or loved by our own black men. The black woman is the most unloved, uncared for woman on the planet, FACT! Realize when you should stand up for black women. Realize when you can be the change. We are tired of being reduced to memes! It's played out, the wheels fell off years ago! Black women have started loving themselves loudly and I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but we were not going to wait for you forever. To all my black QUEENS may your fro grow and your skin always glow!


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