You are too powerful to be suppressed!

Let's take a moment to talk about domestic violence and how black women are the top of the list. Domestic violence is more than a black eye, I want to know how and when it will end. Sometime women take it lightly or just brush it off because he loves you and says "sorry baby, I'll never touch you like that again" but that apology comes with a fist. It's not love period. I don't care how old you are, how long you have been dating/married or if you're too scared to lose him. If he already put his hands on you then you've lost him already. Don't stick around just to be put six feet under. Now I know it might seem as though I'm mainly talking to black women but it's only because we are the number one targets of domestic violence. I know this happens to all of us black or white. This is an issue that goes on each and every single day of our lives!
I read somewhere that "the 'strong black woman' stereotype makes it impossible for people to think of black women as victims" but I think that's just a way for mainstream media to spin every violent crime committed against black women because they have a hard time just categorising it as that, Domestic Violence. When violence against women of colour is committed you don't hear much about and I'm not just crying the race card because that's just the harsh reality of things. If a white woman is beaten and bruised every newspaper and TV station wants to talk about it, people want to hear about it. Will the time ever come when the lives of all women will be regarded as the same no matter what race or gender you are? You do not have to bare the burden of domestic violence alone, get help, it is nothing to be embarrassed about because you are strong, we are strong and don't let no man ever take your voice, speak up don't ever be afraid of not being heard because someone will hear you, people are listening. 


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