Official but UNofficial ?
The most common thing that's going on these days with out generation is the issue about commitment or lack off. With guys they can't make a commitment, they just want to reap the reward, they want to milk the cow before making a down payment and just the mention of a family one day makes them turn their backs and RUN. Girls crave commitment, contentment, they want to settle down so we don't understand why it would be hard for a guy to just make it official. I mean if ya'll have an agreement Then hey whatever floats your boat, whatever pings your pong, whatever blows your skirt up, literally lol. Now I'm going to move on to how girls commit before he even asks. I set up my friends a couple of weeks ago and they seem to be in love right now or in like with a capital L. Honestly I think they both have commitment phobia but who doesn't sometimes right? Their situation is perfect though because they live three hours away from each other. There's a quote that goes...