
Showing posts from January, 2016

Think like a QUEEN, act like a SPARTAN

The year 2016 I prophecies that no fuckboy tactics used against you shall prosper. Amen!! Ladies are you happy being practice? Are you going to perfect the art of keeping men warm and preparing them for other women or are you going to Spartan up? Are all them "Netflix & Chill" days over? It's time to stop crying over situationships that you intentionally put yourself in. Because let's face it, a man will not have Netflix and Chill with you unless you approve of it, a man will not put you in any situationship unless you agree to it, a man will not come in and out of your life as he pleases unless you allow it. The year of the blame game is over, it's time we grew a pair of steel balls and took back control of our spartanhood! Sticking around for a guy to finally want to date you or love you will not do you any good. Men can smell desperation and no one like a desperate Debbie. YOU ARE WOMAN DAMMIT!  I'm not going to enforce my feminist ideals on you ...